汽水域や沿岸域の問題を扱う学術雑誌「Estuaries and Coasts」の編集長から、表紙を飾るイチオシ写真の募集案内が届きました。私に個人メールで来たお願いのようなので、汽水域・沿岸域の写真で「これぞ」というものがありましたら、私宛に送って下さい。私の方でいくつか選択して送ります。私の独断と偏見で選びますので、選に漏れた方にはご容赦ください。
Dear Masumi,
The editors of Estuaries and Coasts invite submission of candidate photos for the cover of the 2011 issue. We're looking for visually striking color images that convey the wonder and beauty of estuarine-coastal ecosystems. Please send digital images (one per submission) to xxx@xxx along with: a short caption, name of the photographer so credit can be given if selected, and a statement giving permission to CERF and Springer publishers for use as a cover photo of an issue of Estuaries and Coasts. Submission deadline: September 15, 2010.
Jim Cloern and Carlos Duarte, Co-Editors-in-Chief
Estuaries and Coasts
Journal of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation