Littoral Greening

「Littoral Greening: A Workshop to Understand the Drivers of Attached Filamentous Algal Bloomsin Pristine Lakes」がアメリカ・タホ湖沿岸で10月に開催されます。
Litttoral Greeningとは、底生緑藻によって岸辺がおおわれてしまう現象で、日本では谷津干潟のアオサが有名ですが、湖沼でも宍道湖でシオグサという緑藻の異常繁茂が起こっています。和名は「シオ」グサですが、淡水でも普通に繁茂していて、アメリカでは五大湖でかなり昔から異常繁茂が問題になっていました。
予算の制約から海外の研究者はPristine Lake(富栄養化してない湖沼)から優先的に招待することとなり、私まで回るかは目下、計算中とのこと。私は自力でタホ湖まで行く予算がないので今回はパスする可能性が大ですが、日本で多くの湖沼で問題になる前に知見が進んでくれればと思っています。
This is the first workshop to address this emerging issue in ecosystem science. The primary workshop goals are to develop conceptual models to explain why usually inconspicuous filamentous algae are suddenly proliferating to nuisance levels in the nearshore-bottom of lakes. The conceptual models will be developed through discussions around basic research questions that highlight the potential mechanisms contributing to filamentous algae growth including but not limited to 1) How do climatically-induced changes in physical conditions affect nutrient and sediment dynamics in the nearshore zone? 2) Are remote lakes experiencing increased nutrient loading from anthropogenic groundwater pollution? 3) What is the role of
animal grazers and changing biological communities in contributing to bottom algae growth? 4) Do moderate increases in nutrient availability associated with lakeshore development and atmospheric loading favor the growth of filamentous green algae and cyanobacteria? A series of premeetings via video conference will occur prior to the in-person meeting to maximize discussions and development of the conceptual models and answers to the key questions identified for this emerging issue.