2月開催、ASLO2017 at ホノルル

今回のテーマは「Mountains to the Sea」です。陸水から海洋まで、128もの幅広いセッションが提案されています。


8番目のセッション、「Challenges of Large Lakes: Detecting Change, Identifying Drivers, and Implementing Restoration」は私がセッションチェアーを務めます。琵琶湖、霞ヶ浦十和田湖など、比較的広い湖沼を研究されている方は、是非ご参加ください。海外での学会発表は初めてで英語に自信が無い方でも、いざとなったら日本語で質問に答えてくだされば、私が英訳します!


008 - Challenges of Large Lakes: Detecting Change, Identifying Drivers, and Implementing Restoration

Detecting temporal trends and drivers of change in large lakes is challenging for multiple reasons. Large lakes are subject to substantial anthropogenic impacts because of the many human activities occurring in and around them. They have long residence times and respond slowly to external forcing with responses sometimes occurring first in the coastal zone. Consequently, monitoring programs must be customized for different impacts and implemented at large spatio-temporal scales including the coastal zone where it can be difficult to sample. Last, large lakes differ in their history of impacts and their responses to those impacts. For example, the Laurentian Great Lakes have similar histories of eutrophication and ecosystem alteration by over-fishing and invasive species. In contrast, Lake Baikal has just begun to eutrophy, has few problems with invasive species, and mostly retains its native flora and fauna. Despite the challenges of monitoring and managing large lakes, scientific connections among researchers working on them are often circumscribed regionally. This session will connect scientists studying the world’s large lakes and feature talks addressing the response of these ecosystems to a range of environmental stressors with the goal of identifying common drivers and coupling across sub-systems from the watershed to nearshore to offshore.


Masumi Yamamuro , The University of Tokyo

Lyubov Burlakova , Buffalo State College

Oleg Timoshkin , Limnological Institute SD RAS

Lars Rudstam , Cornell University

Marianne V Moore , Wellesley College

Alexander Karatayev , Buffalo State University
