下記のように、大湖沼に関するセッションが提案されています。オーガナイザーのTed Ozerskyさんはアメリカの新進気鋭の陸水学者で、お人柄も温厚で素敵な方です。琵琶湖や田沢湖を始め、日本のLarge Lake(面積500平方キロメートル以上か、水深100m以上)を研究されている方は、是非ご参加を検討されてください。
Hello colleagues,
We wanted to let you know about a special Large Lakes session that we are organizing at the upcoming ASLO/SFS meeting in Madison, WI (June 7-12). Please take a look at the session description below and consider submitting a talk or poster abstract. Feel free to pass this information along to anyone who you think might be interested in this interdisciplinary session.
Abstracts are due before March 9 and the submission instructions can be found here.
SS10: Physical, chemical and biological connections in large lake ecosystems
Ted Ozersky, University of Minnesota Duluth, tozersky@d.umn.edu
Matthew Church, Flathead Lake Biological Station, University of Montana, matt.church@flbs.umt.edu
Jennifer Hauxwell, UW Sea Grant, University of Wisconsin Madison, jennifer.hauxwell@aqua.wisc.edu
Amy Marcarelli, Michigan Technological University, ammarcar@mtu.edu
Ashley Moerke, Lake Superior State University, amoerke@lssu.edu
Session description:
Large lakes (>500 km 2 area and/or >100 m deep) hold the majority of the world’s surface freshwater, are hotspots of biological diversity, and provide vital ecosystem services to millions of people. The size of large lake ecosystems makes them distinct in many respects from smaller lakes. Among these differences are higher spatial heterogeneity of ecological and biogeochemical patterns and processes, greater diversity of habitats, and increased importance of large-scale physical forcing. Like many ecosystems, the large lakes of the world are undergoing unprecedented change, with important consequences for their ecological functioning and their ability to provide ecosystem services in a sustainable manner. This session is focused on highlighting physical, biological and chemical processes that occur in large lakes, as well as the connections between these processes. We welcome contributions on any of the world’s large lakes and especially encourage submissions that examine connections between processes or habitats across diverse temporal and spatial scales in the context of ongoing global environmental change.