
これって、Limnology and Oceanographyに「サンゴ礁では窒素固定が卓越している」と窒素安定同位体比で議論した論文が「これはすごい内容だから、へたくそな英語はこちらで直して受理。」と一発で通った時以来の賛辞かもしれません。

This discussion would always be set up as raising explanatory hypothesis and not drawing abusive cause-effect relationships. As such, it would still be possible to alert managers, authorities and fellow scientists of this important effect that is being observed in Japanese lakes and in other places, and the need to establish the necessary link between putative cause and effect. This line of research may reveal another historical reconstruction of how pollution affects ecosystems (remember DDT and “Silent Spring”, TBT and imposex?) and the services they provide.