アメリカの五大湖には、スペリオル湖を除いてZebra musselおよびQuagga musselと呼ばれる外来二枚貝2種が大量に繁殖して、下の写真のように大変なことになっています。
Wikipedia Excerpt:
Research on natural enemies, both in Europe and North America, has focused on predators, particularly birds (36 species) and fish (15 and 38 species eating veligers and attached mussels).
The vast majority of the organisms that are natural enemies in Europe are not present in North America. Ecologically similar species do exist, but these species are unlikely to be able to eliminate those mussels already established and will have a limited role in their control.
Sturgeon(チョウザメの仲間), which are stlll present but very scarce in the NAGL, feed on benthic organisms including mussels. There are ca. 50 species of *native* mussels in the NAGL, but many of these species face eminent extinction. So, today there are very few native mussels in the NAGL and even fewer sturgeon. The pelagic and benthic food webs of the NAGL have changed so dramatically during my lifetime that they are nearly unrecognizable today.